Comparative Study of Comprehensive Rural Development in Shivtakrar-Nira,Tahasil Purandar,District Pune,Maharashtra

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Dr. Shalini M. Guldeoakar


Rural development is not new concept in India. Whereas eighty percent of the population resides in rural area and seventy-two percent of the work force depends upon agriculture & allied activities. Agriculture obviously plays a very important role in rural development. Therefore, Indian Economy is dependents on Agro-based activities. Rural development is being given top priority in our national planning. Hence, eradication of rural priority is the key of National Economy. Our rural problems are linked with basic needs of the people such as livelihood, literacy; resources are primary reasons of poverty in our country. It is creating gainful self-employment, which is the biggest challenge for the development organization as well as the society by making sustainable use of the natural resources & human skill.

Rural development involves raising the socio-economic status of the rural population on a sustainable basis through optimum utilization of local resources, both natural and human. While external help is necessary, rural development can achieved only when the rural people actively participated in the development process, in this research work has tried to focus on comparative study of rural development.

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How to Cite
Dr. Shalini M. Guldeoakar. (2022). Comparative Study of Comprehensive Rural Development in Shivtakrar-Nira,Tahasil Purandar,District Pune,Maharashtra. International Journal of Research in Informative Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT), 2(5), 12–18.