Is there any difference in the Force degradation pattern between memory type & ordinary type of six different of elastomeric chains?

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Athraa. A. Abass
Makarem M. Abdullkareem
Lames H. Almanseekanaa


A definition of the force to the moment percentage of approximately ten mm must applied to the posterior& the anterior teeth for obtaining a translating tooth movement.

Keywords: Health hazard, Kerbala University Iraq, Plastination technique, Hoffen polyester P45, polymers P35, P40, and P45, gross anatomy, crosssectional anatomy, pathology, and radiology, plastinated of horse leg

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How to Cite
Abass, A. A. ., Abdullkareem, M. M., & Almanseekanaa, L. H. . (2019). Is there any difference in the Force degradation pattern between memory type & ordinary type of six different of elastomeric chains?. International Journal of Research in Informative Science Application & Techniques (IJRISAT), 3(5), 29–32.